
Lia Faherty

Untangling the confusion to make eating healthy easy. Become fit, healthy and confident in the Radiance Collective.

exercise, food, and mental health update

Hi Reader! What is new with you? This is what is going on in my world. Exercise: I ran my 5K last weekend (1st one in about 10 years!). It was great! My goal was to finish in under 45 min and I completed in 43 min (I actually managed to jog most of the first 2 mi, which is good for this non-runner!). I was sufficiently pooooped for the next few days afterwards and took some time off my workouts to just give my body a break. But it did feel good getting back to my normal HIIT workouts again....

hack your health with this simple trick

Hi Reader! I realized a long time ago that the way to get people to change their habits is to show them how their habits are affecting them in real time. Because if you know that something is hurting you or making you feel bad, do you keep doing it? Of course not! But too many people don't use this simple concept to hack their health. I think its because they tend to put too much focus on the BIG picture or the BIG Goal too much. Let me explain: If I were to ask you what your health goal is...

what's new with me

Hi Reader! I haven't done a "what's new with me" in a bit, so I thought it would be fun to share what's going on in my own health journey lately. Exercise: I am training for a 5K next weekend at the beach (there is also promise of a lobster roll and beer afterwards, which makes a good incentive :) Its the first one since my oldest was born 6 years ago, so it will definitely not be my fastest by far, but it has been fun running again. My son also loves running and has been "racing me" in our...
A person taking a picture of a table with food

these social posts drive me crazy!

Hi Reader! You know those posts on social that say "A day in the life...." or "come spend the day with me!" And their day seems way too perfect. Those posts drive me crazy. At first I am thinking, "That looks really cool." And then "Hmm, I am not doing enough." It can get a bit defeating, and this is coming from a wellness coach! I do not believe its realistic to do it ALL every single day to get results. I believe that this why people are getting discouraged when all they want to do is feel...
A pair of headphones that are gold and red

i want to hack your brain

Hi Reader! If I were to ask you "what your biggest hurdle is" in eating/cooking healthy food everyday, exercising, doing all the "healthy things" that you aren't currently doing (but feel guilty about). You would probably tell me, "Lia, I don't have time. Lia, I just can't stay motivated or disciplined." Sound about right, Reader? And I am going to tell you that motivation and discipline are NOT your problem. Very few people have the discipline to completely overhaul their diets and their...
black and gray car door

what are you afraid of?

Hi Reader! Happy Tuesday! Back in my old "corporate" life as a pharma chemist, Tuesdays were my hardest days. For some reason, that was the day I was the most tired and probably had the busiest schedule of the day. Back then prioritizing my health was constant battle and I was constantly researching all the diet and fitness tips (totally at work too because clearly that was my "true priority" haha!) And I did learn a lot reading those wellness blogs and all the articles back then (mind you,...
woman biting pencil while sitting on chair in front of computer during daytime

anxiety and inflammation

Hi Reader! How was (is?) you summer! I took a much needed break this past August (even on social media! which honestly, felt nice). I wanted to be able to relax before fall and school craziness began. And did it begin. This past week has had my anxiety on 100%. But it was another problem that totally caught me off guard..... My body was super bloated and puffy. At first, I couldn't understand why I felt this way. Nothing has really changed about my eating or exercising routine. In fact, I...
question mark neon signage

what do YOU need?

Hi Reader! Would you mind to take a moment and tell me what your current health need is?? (this way I can make sure you get the content you want and need!!) What is your current health need? (the one you want the most!) Weight loss Fatigue (or low energy) Heart health, Diabetes or insulin resistance Digestive health Self-confidence Just feeling fit and healthy If there is something not listed, hit REPLY and write it in!! Thanks a ton!! Love, Lia The Radiance Collective is the go to place for...

open only if your life feels stuck

Hi Reader! Have you ever felt like your life was in chaos and you could not see a way out? Or maybe you felt like your life is just not going to where you were hoping? Have your ever asked the universe (or God or another spiritual source) for signs to help you? The first time I felt like a REAL SIGN was being thrown at me to guide me was the day I sat in the Chemistry Chair's office at FDU and was asked if I would be interested in teaching a chemistry-based nutrition course. To this day, I...

the lowest point of my life

Hi Reader! The lowest point of my life was when I felt the most stuck. I remember everyday feeling like groundhog's day. I remember being just bored at my desk and wishing for a more exciting job. I constantly felt like my life was in this limbo and I had no clue how to get out of it. Everything felt out of reach and out of my control. So, instead I put my energy and focus on what I could control. What did I have control over: I could control what I ate and when/how I exercised. I could...