just start with the couch cushions

Published about 1 month ago • 1 min read

Hi Reader!

I came up with this analogy the other day to help explain to people who have trouble maintaining healthy habits (like consistent exercise or eating healthy everyday), about cleaning your house. I thought you might find it helpful to.

Imagine its Saturday morning and your mom texts you to tell you she is coming over in a few hours. And you freak because your house is a wreck. Toys everywhere. Kitchen counters are a mess. Sink overflowing with dishes. And the prospect of cleaning feels super overwhelming because everywhere you look is just a mess and clutter.

So what do you do?

Naturally, you pick the easiest thing in the moment, like straightening up the couch cushions.

However, your entire house is not going to be cleaned by just straightening up the couch cushions. But its something.

The motivation starts to develop and then you suddenly start to pick up the toys off the floor which leads to sweeping the living room floor and in 10 min, your entire living room is clean!

Then you walk into the kitchen and you start by just emptying the dishwasher, which leads to filling it, which leads to cleaning the counters and again in about 10 min, your kitchen is clean.

Soon, you have so much motivation to clean that you just KEEP GOING and its not long until your ENTIRE HOUSE is looking and feeling SO MUCH BETTER.

You need to look at your body the same way. Its not going to be fixed by one small thing. But its still SOMETHING.

Something leads to more somethings.

The motivation to clean your house wasn't there initially either. In fact, it probably seemed quite daunting. But that simple act of just picking the easiest thing (putting the couch cushions back together), led to SOO MUCH MORE.

When it comes to getting yourself motivated for your health. Just pick the easiest thing to start with.

I promise it will lead to you feeling SO MUCH BETTER. (and it doesn't take that long!!)

These are the types of training videos and lessons I teach as a health coach, both personally and inside the Radiance Collective.

Because I want you to feel better and I am here to just help you get that nudge in the right direction.

Have a wonderful week!!

Lots of love,


The Radiance Collective is the go to place for metabolism and gut health advice, community, support, accountability, and coaching from a certified nutrition coach, who understands that sometimes we are just too busy to figure it out for ourselves.


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